The Institute provides services and resources for both coaches and athletes of all levels. Below you will find more detail about our services and offerings for both coaches and athletes.


The relationship between a player and coach cannot not be understated; it is a relationship that, when supported, can lead to a multitude of positive outcomes such optimum athletic performance, and academic/professional success. The impact of this relationship goes beyond the boundaries of the arena or field. Coaches can help their athletes through the development of their own skills related to alcohol and other drug use deterrence as well as nurture characteristics in their athletes that are common among those who contribute positively to society. We understand that this may be easier said than done; that is why IPAHW works closely with both coaches and their athletes in order to support this  important relationship. The following list provides ways that IPAHW can specifically support athletes and their coaches. For more information please contact the institute at 336-334-9727 or at

*All of these services can be customized to your needs


Effects of alcohol and other drugs on athletic performance, injury and recovery from injury

  • There are a variety of programming opportunities for your school/organization to take advantage of when providing alcohol and other drug education as part of their standard practice.In particular IPAHW can help your school/organization through the following:
    • myPlaybook (Collegiate or High School)


If you have any specific questions related to the brochures above please contact us using the form here.